It is already September, and it is time to prepare for the coolest celebration of the year - Halloween! Do you love Halloween too? We most certainly do, especially to crochet for this time of the year!
We have gathered some of the most talented amigurumi designers, and they are all contributing with their original and awesome designs.
With the help of this Amigurumi Super Pack, you can crochet creepy yet cute Halloween-themed amigurumi, which I am sure you’ll love. These world-famous designers have come up with the best of the best spooky amigurumi to get you into the Halloweeny mood. Now isn’t that amazing?
You can read more about the ami super pack here!
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Halloween ami super pack!
including the 30 + cutest and most spooky crochet Halloween patterns ever! Get your copy today!

What will I get?
This “Halloween” AMI SUPER PACK is an amigurumi crochet pattern bundle that contains 30+ designer amigurumi patterns from 31 world-class amigurumi designers and bloggers. And the best news is, all the patterns have been hand-picked, exclusively for your Halloween festival, and perfect for the spooky season next month.
What will be there?
You can easily find various Halloween patterns, from cute voodoo dolls to pretty witch patterns, to make you ready for the most awaited season of the year.
You can find awesome gift-giving ideas in this bundle! Make cute yet scary toys for your children. Many of them are in keychain size, so if you want to show off your amigurumi skill to the world, they are the best choices.
The incredible thing is inside this Bundle, with 30+ patterns you can create 35 amigurumi and crochet items. Awesome, isn’t it?
The sale only lasts for 5 days from September 13 - 18th (actually 5*24h), so hurry up!
You will get an 90% discount and you will get all these patterns for only 14,99!

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Go here to fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
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