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Sverre the lamb - crochet along - part 1

Today I want to share my newest video that I've been working on this week. Many have asked me if there is a video tutorial on how to crochet these ragdoll lambs.

Now there is! I am happy and excited to share the first part today!

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There are a few small changes to the original pattern, but not too many. I used safety eyes this time. This gave the lambs a little different look and feel.

Tell me what you think of them in the comments below!

Also, if you are making some lambs. or have made some, please share a picture with me!

The crochet lamb is made with single crochet and bobble stitches. This is a pattern that is suitable for advanced beginners.


You'll need two colors, one in nature and one color for the body of your choice. I made mine in blue and pink but also thinking of stitching up more in different colors.

In the original pattern, I am using a 4.5 mm crochet hook. On this version, I am working with a 3.5 mm. But feel free to choose whatever fits your yarn and your needs.

I use this these hooks: Tulip Etimo Crochet Hook Set

Written pattern

You can find the written pattern for the crochet lamb here. You can also purchase the ad-free version in my Etsy-shop.


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Video tutorial for the crochet lamb

I have made the videos in 3 parts, simply because it would be a very long video to have it all in one part. I will try and release all three videos within 3 days, so you don't have to wait so long for the second and third parts.

Please subscribe to my channel! If you hit the little bell you'll also get notified every time I upload a video.

I am having so much fun creating videos, and there will be more in the future! Maybe because I learned to crochet from watching other YouTube tutorials.

Have fun crocheting!

Sharing is caring!

Sverre the Lamb - video tutorial - part 2 - how to make the body

Friday 14th of February 2020

[…] you are looking for part 1, you can find it here. You can find the written pattern for the crochet lamb here. You can also purchase the ad-free […]

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